
Questions About The Election

Nov 6, 2008

Here are some questions that have been floated my way…

#1 - Do you think the results of this election will lead to the end of the world as we know it?

NO!  It really bothered me when some loony Christian wingnut called into a local talk show yesterday and talked about how the Bible predicted this would happen…

Now I’m no scholar…but I’ve read it from cover to cover on multiple occasions and I’ve never even seen Obama’s name!!!

The president of the United States does not hold the universe in His hands!!!  God does—period!

#2 - If I don’t like the results of the election, what should I do?

I personally believe the Scriptures tell us to pray for our government leaders—whether we agree with them or not.  We live in a country where we have the right to express our opinions…but I think it is hypocritical for a follower of Jesus to slam someone in a leadership position if they haven’t sincerely sought the Lord on their behalf.

#3 - What do you think will happen over the next four years?

Uh…I think I will eat some ice cream and watch some football games…other than that I am really not sure…and neither is anyone else.

#4 - Why didn’t you publically endorse a political candidate?

Because it simply isn’t Biblical.  The purpose of the platform I have been given is to exalt Christ…NOT a political party!

#5 - Why do you seem to be anti-politics?

I’m not; in fact, I love politics.  I study them a lot and I read about them as well.  I have some friends that are really into the political scene that I pray for often.

BUT…the job of the church is not to legislate morality, which is what some idiots believe they can accomplish if a certain party is in power.

Change isn’t the result of who is in the White House…but rather who is in the heart of a man or woman!

I would be more than willing to discuss my political views one on one…and I’m sure it would be fun!!!

#6 - Are you and Tony Morgan going to make a run for the White House in four years?

Absolutely!  I think we will win in a landslide!

#7 - What would be the first law that you passed if you were elected president?

I would do away with the BCS system and make them have a college football playoff!  That would establish a legacy that would NEVER die!!!