
Is Church Really That Important?

Dec 19, 2008

Just in case you haven’t been able to tell this about me before…I am OBSESSED with church.  WHICH…is REALLY funny considering at one time in my life I hated it and swore I would never go back.

But now…I can’t quit thinking about it.  If someone wants to talk church…I’m in!  AND SO…it bothers me when I hear someone say that they don’t think that church is really that important.

REALLY?  Church isn’t important?  DANG…if that’s the case I have a few questions…

#1 - If church isn’t that important - then why does Matthew 16:18 say that Jesus built it?  Would the Son of God actually spend time building something that was worthless?

#2 - If church isn’t that important - then why does Scripture say in Acts 20:28 say that Jesus shed His blood for it?  Would the Son of God have been willing to endure the suffering He went through for a meaningless organization?

#3 - If church isn’t that important - then why does Ephesians 1:22 & Colossians 1:18 say that Jesus is the Head of it?  Would Jesus REALLY be the Head of something insignificant and trivial?

#4 - If church isn’t that important, if church isn’t “needed” to learn about God…then why does Ephesians 3:10 say that it was through the church that the wisdom of God should be made known?

Just a few questions to ponder for a Friday.  :-)

Pastors, church leaders…please understand that the work that the church does is the most important work in the world.  The church has been around for 2,000 years…and it will be around for the next 2,000 if Jesus chooses not to come back during that time!

What you do is important…whether you have 50 coming this weekend or 50,000.  What you are going to do matters!!!  God called you and equipped you to do this work…and for those who are feeling overwhelmed and underappreciated…God knows exactly where you are…and He didn’t bring you to this point to watch you fail.

Go for it!!!