
Church Leader…A Few Questions…

Oct 5, 2009

Currently I am reading through Jeremiah…but the other morning Jeremiah 1:17 ROCKED me to the core…it was like the Holy Spirit body slammed me with this verse…

“Get yourself ready!  Stand up and say to them whatever I command you.  Do not be terrified by them, or I will terrify you before them.”

(If you REALLY want it to hit a little harder…check out The Message version here!  DANG!)

Several questions emerged in my mind that I believe we, as leaders, need to wrestle through.

#1 - What are we doing to get ourselves ready to hear the Word of God?

God is always speaking…the question is are we listening!

The first thing God commands Jeremiah is to get himself ready!  One of the KEYS to receive REVELATION is PREPARATION!  It’s not that God isn’t wanting to download HUGE vision into us as leaders…but many times we just aren’t ready for it.

#2 - Are we willing to take action?

God told Jeremiah to “STAND UP!”  One of the greatest tragedies that is happening in church would today is that leaders are not leading…they are “sitting down” and expecting God to move while they do nothing.

But…God calls leaders to action…not apathy!  SO…what is it that God is calling you to that you think if you keep delaying that He will change His mind?

#3 - Am I willing to speak the truth?

A part of the job of a leader is to define reality…and when we can’t embrace that then we can’t embrace the leadership that God has called us to.

In reading through Jeremiah it is pretty easy to see that God called Him to say some REALLY unpopular things.

What is sad in todays church culture is that some leaders desire popularity more than HIS presence…and because of that we will not speak truth because of the fear that it may offend…which leads to…

#4 - Do I fear man or God?

If we truly fear the Lord and not man…then we will not cater to the personal preferences of people over the precepts of our Savior.

No one ever did anything great and, when asked how they were able to do it replied, “I allowed the crowd to conform me into who they thought I should be…and in doing so I fulfilled His purpose for me!”

#5 - Do I understand the stakes are high?

God doesn’t play games…and basically tells Jeremiah, “If you aren’t going to be my leader then you aren’t going to be a leader—period!”

We are called to honor Him…and in doing so we MUST understand that times will get tough (Jeremiah was thrown into a cistern!)

BUT…the reason He called you is because He trusts you to do HIS will.  When He speaks we must understand that He isn’t doing so for our convenience…but rather for our obedience.

What we do in the church MATTERS…the stakes are high…and ONLY through complete surrender to HIM can we really make a difference!