Bringing versus Inviting

Mar 25, 2013

Last night after church Clayton and I went to grab some pizza and catch up since we haven't been able to spend a ton of time together lately...

And that's when it hit me all over again...

Stay with me for a sec...

This "Get Ready" series has been INCREDIBLE, the messages that have been brought to us from Pastor Steven Furtick, Brad Cooper and Clayton King have been some of the BEST our church has ever heard in regards to doing whatever it takes to reach people far from God.  (BTW...we have new videos all week long that we did in Israel at!  

One of the things I've ALWAYS loved about our church is that we've always responded to the challenge to do whatever it takes to invite people to come to church, even when it means having an uncomfortable conversation.

However, something that has been taught to us throughout this series really hit home last night in the conversation that Clayton and I had with our waitress.  

We asked her did she go to church anywhere and she said no.  

We then told her that we would love for her to come to NewSpring and she lit up and said, "oh wow, someone else invited me there too!"  

Clayton then pointed to me and said, "that's the pastor."  

She replied, "Oh yeah, I remember you, I came one time about six years ago and you were wearing a T-shirt that said, 'God is watching you download that porn!"  

I laughed and told her that I remember wearing that shirt and asked her did she not come back because the shirt offended her, to which she replied, "oh no, the shirt didn't bother me at all; in fact, I thought it was funny.  The reason I did not come back is that I didn't have anyone who would come with me."  

I was reminded on the spot that SO MANY PEOPLE in this world feel all alone...and that they would come to church if we really did make the effort to not just INVITE them...but BRING them (just like the guys did in Mark 2:1-12, just like Andrew did for Peter and Phillip did for Nathaniel in John 1:35-51!)  

NewSpring, I can promise you that these are going to be the most amazing Easter services we've EVER had, and I have NEVER felt the anticipation levels like they are right now!!!  However, it is my prayer that we will not just INVITE people, but offer to BRING them.  I can promise you it WILL make a huge difference - instead of saying, "Why don't you visit my church this Sunday" to say, "I would love for you to join me for church and afterwards we could go out and grab a bite."  

I'm pumped, SOOOOOOO pumped...and I know Easter is going to be special!!  MAYBE "that person" has told you "no" dozens of times!!!  They are worth one more ask!!!  And, don't just INVITE them, BRING THEM.  

Let's do this!!!