Pastor P

A Letter From Pastor P To NewSpring Church

Sep 18, 2012

Howdy NewSpring Church, FIVE things I want to share with you today…

#1 - I am STILL celebrating all that the Lord did on Sunday, WOW!!!  We saw 1,451 people go public for Christ through baptism…and we also saw 23 people surrender their lives to Jesus, that NEVER GETS OLD!!!  Also, I am so pumped about the fact that we, as a church, have embraced that FOUND PEOPLE FIND PEOPLE and am celebrating the fact that for two weeks in a row we have seen over 20,000 people attend a NewSpring service somewhere in SC (this does not include the people who have worshipped with us online!)

#2 - Sunday was definitely fun as we walked through what I believe is THE most awkward story in the Bible (Genesis 38!)  You can check out the sermon in 10 tweets right here.  

#3 - If you know someone who believes that God has given up on them, forgotten about them or maybe doesn’t even care anymore then DO NOT MISS THIS COMING SUNDAY as we continue our UNLEASH series!

#4 - EVANGELISM GROUPS, EVANGELISM GROUPS, EVANGELISM GROUPS!!!  Trust me, these are going to be AWESOME!!!  If you have ever wanted to talk with someone about your walk with Jesus and/or share with them about how they can know Christ but are afraid or unsure of yourself then you have got to sign up for one of these groups ASAP (more info here!)  I PROMISE the six weeks in this group will strengthen your walk with Jesus and will also equip you with the confidence you need to live out Romans 1:16!

#5 - Finally, I would ask for your prayers this week as my book (“Unleash!”  Breaking Free From Normalcy”) releases.  (Here is the website if you want more info on the book.)  This has been a project that we’ve been working on for well over two years…and we’re believing that the Lord will use what is written in this book to help people “get off of the spiritual treadmill” and LIVE THE LIFE that God has called them to live!!!  If you’ve ever had a problem with…

  • Believing God has something AMAZING planned for your life.
  • Knowing that you need to forgive someone…but find it so hard to do so.
  • Feeling STUCK in your walk with Jesus, knowing there is MORE but not knowing how to get there.
  • Getting past your past.
  • Being completely overwhelmed with life and wondering why in the world if God will never put more on you than you can handle then why are you going through “this.”

Then this book is for you…it’s available today in stores and will be available Thursday for purchase online!!!

That’s it for today…I LOVE MY CHURCH…and I really do believe that THE BEST IS YET TO COME!!!