Pastor P

A Letter From Pastor P To NewSpring Church

Aug 28, 2012

Howdy NewSpring Church, FIVE things I want to share today…

#1 - If you didn’t get a chance to read my post from yesterday about 15 things I want our church to celebrate I would encourage you to go here and check it mind is still BLOWN as to all that the Lord did this past weekend in our church, and I am absolutely full of hope and joy as I fully expect and anticipate that GREATER THINGS are on the way, the best really is yet to come!

#2 - Here is the sermon in 10 tweets in case you missed it or just want a good summary.

#3 - Some may be wondering, “we were asking God to save 3,000 and we saw 1,251 people saved, so, are you disappointed?”  ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!  I’m PUMPED, OUT OF MY MIND & MORE EXCITED THAN EVER!!!  Why?

  • Because 3,000 wasn’t a goal…it was a prayer!!  If we are going to pray we need to pray BIG!!!  If you were hanging with Bill Gates for a day and he told you that he would buy you anything you wanted you would not DARE ask him for a pack of tic-tacs!!!  You would ask for something HUGE because he has the resources, right?  The same should apply to our prayer lives…why not ask God for BIG things, HUGE things…things so ridiculous that HE would have to do the miraculous for it to take place!!!  My prayer is that we need to keep asking BIG!!!  (If you want to read an INCREDIBLE book on the power of prayer then you need to order “The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson RIGHT NOW!)
  • Because…to date we’ve seen 4,015 salvations happen at NewSpring Church this year!!!
  • Because I feel like the Lord is showing/telling us that there is STILL WORK TO DO!!!  (Check out Matthew 9:35-38)  Maybe if we had seen 3,000 saved we would have felt like we accomplished something and could sit back and relax…but as I have reflected back on this past Sunday, what we prayed for and what we saw I really do feel like the Lord is showing us THERE IS STILL WORK TO DO!!!

#4 - Have you ever wanted to talk with someone about Jesus and/or share your faith but have felt like you can’t…that you just don’t know enough, that someone may ask you a question that you cannot answer?  Have you ever wanted to talk to someone about how to become a Christian either at work or at school but just do not feel equipped to do so?  WE ALL HAVE!!!  If that is you then NO WORRIES, we will be launching a new initiative in October to equip EVERYONE in our church to be able to share Christ with confidence!!!  We’re asking everyone at NewSpring to consider joining a home group for SIX WEEKS (more information here!)  It’s not a lifetime commitment…seriously…just six weeks, and during that time you will learn how to share what Christ has done in you with others.  More info to follow…but just wanted you to know that THIS is going to be awesome and I’m asking everyone to consider being a part!

#5 - “ASK” is not a one time thing…it’s a lifestyle!!  With that in mind let’s ASK the people we brought last Sunday to come back this Sunday!!!  We will be DIVING into “what now?”  It’s going to be a message that will apply to people who have been a Christian for five minutes or 50 years!!!

That’s it for today…can’t WAIT for Sunday, I LOVE MY CHURCH!!!