You’re Not Crazy

Dec 18, 2014

This past Sunday at NewSpring Church was amazing. I stood in awe of how Jesus stirred hearts at the end of every service as thousands of people all over the state got out of their seat, walked to a “yes” board and placed the name (or names) on it of people they committed to invite to a Christmas service.

I just wanted to let you know today if you did that…you’re not crazy

Some people may think you are crazy for inviting someone that has told you repeatedly they would never come to church. 

You’re not crazy. 

I really do believe if the Lord put them on your heart then He is doing something in them that you cannot see. He did not put them on your heart to set you up for failure. They may be just one invitation away from coming to church. If He’s moving your heart to ask them then trust in His voice and go for it.

You’re not crazy. 

Some of you may think you are crazy because you’ve done this before. 

You’ve invited someone and they said they would come with you but stood you up. 

Or you invited someone and they came with you and either said “that’s nice” or gave you a list of all of the things they hated about church. 

And then some have told you straight up, “no way, EVER!” 

And you found yourself this past Sunday with a lump in your throat, because once again, the Lord spoke to your heart and told you to invite this person to church. 

You’re not crazy! 

One of the biggest temptations believers face when it comes to reaching people far from God is to give up. We try and try and try…and nothing seems to work, so we want to throw our hands up and quit. 

I understand this tension; however, in these times we must remember that God has never given up on us…and maybe, just maybe He wants to pursue “that person” in your life through your kindness, patience and persistence. 

You’re not crazy. Jesus said in Luke 19:10 that He came to seek and save the lost. If you are trying to reach people for Christ then you are on mission with Him. 

So, let’s do this NewSpring Church! Ten campuses, 74 services, ONE GOD—and this Christmas is going to be the best one ever!!