
Watch Out—Part One!

Jun 13, 2007

Paul’s advice to Timothy is awesome.  Many times as a pastor I find myself tearing through I & II Timothy and trying to place myself in Timothy’s shoes…he was being mentored by the Apostle Paul—HOLY COW!
I have been thinking about one verse in particular that has always stood out to me…Paul tells Timothy in I Timothy 4:16 to watch his life and doctrine closely…and that in doing so it will save both him and those who hear him.

Something strikes me about this that we will come back to—but I to mention it now.  Paul does not say, “Timothy, watch your STYLE of ministry…”  But rather he calls for a careful examination of life and doctrine.

Let’s talk about life…

As pastors/ministers—we are called to watch the life that we live very carefully.  I have seen it too many times…a pastor will begin a great work…and then through some sort of sin (usually sexual or financial…OR BOTH) he disqualifies himself and shipwrecks the faith of so many.  All because he was not willing to carefully examine his life…and give others the permission to do the very same thing.

I recently asked some men that were about to be ordained, “Is there ANYONE that could come forward right now and publicly expose you for a sin you are involved in & as a result disqualify you from ministry?”  In fact, that is one of THE most important questions as pastors that we must ask ourselves.

Let me be very clear…I think pastors struggle with temptation MORE than the average person.  And that is why it is imperative that we take steps to protect ourselves.

I realized a long time ago that I was going to have to watch my life closely…and the church has been very supportive in this.  Some of the things I do are…

  • I NEVER travel alone—EVER!  I always say that all it takes is one weak moment…and what it took years to build will be destroyed for 1/2 a second worth of pleasure.  (YES, I said that!!!)
  • Who pays for someone to travel with me?  The church!  NewSpring has had this commitment from day one…as should ANY church.
  • In fact—if I am asked to speak somewhere and travel is required…I ask the people who are bringing me in to pay for the person traveling with me…if they won’t—then I don’t go!
  • I am NEVER alone with a female…EVER!!!  I just won’t put myself in a situation like that.  If I am on an elevator and a woman gets on…I will step off and take the stairs.
  • I do not subscribe to “premium” movie channels in my home…I don’t even want the temptation to be there.  And don’t hand me that crap about it being a “private sin.”  God does not allow people who supposedly represent Him to mock His name.
  • I do not sign checks or count money at NewSpring.  I did for about the first six months…but I QUICKLY removed myself from this because I didn’t even want the temptation around me.

Gentlemen, these things will not keep me from falling…but they do keep me a lot further from the edge.  I have a passion in life to lead this church for the next 30 years…and that isn’t going to happen by accident…I must watch my life closely.  More tomorrow.