
The Signs Are So Obvious

Aug 3, 2006

I was driving home from the gym this morning and the signs were obvious—school is back is session.  Seriously…I have to drive by three schools on my way to church and there were actually cars in the parking lot for the first time in months.  Big, yellow school buses were all over the road…and there were actually some teenagers at Chic-fil-a when I went to get my LARGE coffee this morning…just in case I did something stupid—like SPILL IT!  :-)

Like I said—the signs are obvious—no one in their right mind would deny that school is back in session…which brings me to what happened here at NewSpring last night…AND makes me want to ask a few personal questions as well.

Here is a fact—God is at work at NewSpring!  (For the insecure people out there…I am NOT saying He isn’t working in other churches.)  I saw the signs last night—folks—we saw 32 people receive Christ in what was one of the most moving services I have ever been a part of.

I am seeing it all over the place—in our children’s ministry…in our youth group…among our volunteers…in our home groups!  God is at work—and I know I sound like a broken record—but THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING!  People’s lives are being changed…and there are thousands more out there who need change…and we ARE GOING TO REACH THEM!

But…what about your life…are the signs obvious?

‘Cretia and I were in an airport a couple of weeks ago and wanted some ice cream…so we found this little place and, as we walked up, the dude who worked there was out in front of the counter, cleaning it and smiling the entire time.  When he noticed us he smiled and said, “Give me just a second and I will be right with you.”  Then he went around and began to serve us—still smiling the entire time.

I knew something had to be godly about him when I ordered EXTRA cookie dough in my blizzard…and he HOOKED ME UP!  After paying I turned around to leave—but then I stopped and asked him flat out, “Hey man, where does all your joy come from?”  Without batting an eye he looked at me and said, “It’s Jesus man, it’s all Jesus!”

Here’s the thing—I KNEW this guy had to know Jesus without him telling me—the signs were just obvious?  So how about you—are the signs obvious in your life?

I wish I could say I was perfect in this area…and that all of you should strive to be more like me—but there are just times that Jesus in me isn’t that obvious…I am a work in progress.  You see, I want people to see Jesus in me…I want to communicate Christ at all times…and this is especially hard when I am driving OR my food is taking a long time to get to me in a restaurant!  (Can I get an amen?)

Today the challenge I am making to all of us is this—make it OBVIOUS that Christ is in you!  This does not mean to go to work, stand on your desk with you Bible in hand and announce that, “If you think it’s hot outside—there’s a place called hell…and it’s hotter…and you are ALL GOING THERE!”  That’s not making Christ obvious—that is you beginning the process of you being fired from your job.

How do we make Christ obvious?  Smile more—be polite—pray before your meal—invite someone to church—pay for someone’s lunch…and when they ask why tell them that you have been so blessed by Jesus that you want to bless others in return.

I want others to see Christ in me…we should ALL want that—so go for it—pray and ask God to help you make Him completely obvious…and let’s continue to allow Christ to use us to show the world that Christianity is not just a way of life—it is THE WAY OF LIFE!