The Post I Want Every Church Leader To Read
If Hebrews 11:1 & Hebrews 11:6 are true then we are going to be constantly called by God to take steps of faith (in other words, there will NEVER be a time to put the church on cruise control!)
There isn't an example in Scripture of God asking someone to do something easy or that made sense.
With that in mind all of us have 2012 just about in our rear view mirror...and 2013 is quickly becoming a reality.
So...what steps of faith will you and your church take in 2013? What dreams will you dream? What prayers will you pray? And what vision will you cast that produces so much passion in people that your church becomes fully alive because it rallies around a cause that matters?
God has NEVER called the church to play defense...the tomb is empty, Jesus is alive, we are on the winning team, Jesus has promised to build His church and has raised you up "for such a time as this" to open up the offense and run up the score.
So, church leaders...let's spend some time in APPRECIATION for 2012...but also in ANTICIPATION for 2013!!!
There is NOTHING but OPPORTUNITY in front of us, the world has never been more desperate for what Jesus has to offer...and we are God's church, so...let's DO THIS!!!