
Tension Is A Good Thing…

Aug 14, 2006

From time to time people in our community will say that NewSpring is a “feel good church.” Anyone who would say that obviously was not in attendance at yesterday’s service.

I talked about money!!!

I honestly think people would much rather I preach about hell than talk about money. You see, hell is something that many people will say, “I don’t have to deal with that right now…” But money—that’s a different story because there isn’t an area of our life that isn’t affected by the almighty dollar.

The first few years of NewSpring’s existence I would not talk about money. I was scared to! And when I finally did begin talking about it…I would apologize the entire time. (I quit this when I realized that money is the only subject that pastors apologize for…we don’t say, “Now today we are going to be talking about adultery…if you are currently having an affair I am so sorry if this offends you…!”)

But now I talk about money without apology because I have experienced a journey over the past several years that has been incredible. As I said yesterday, when we make decisions based on what Scripture says…we make the right decisions. I know what it is like to wonder where the next meal is coming from. As I said yesterday…I know what it is like to lay in bed at night and listen to the rats play in the walls—that was just 10 years ago. I have been at rock bottom…but I repented…and God has brought me out bit by bit…and it has been an awesome journey.

We don’t want ANYTHING from people…WE want something FOR them…I have a desire to see people set free. Over the next few weeks I will be sharing a lot of my personal pain with the church in the hopes that people will not go out and make the same financial mistakes that I made.

And let me say this—it WAS tense today! Very tense…I could tell there were some nervous and angry people because I attacked their idol…money! You can’t serve God and serve money…and you can’t be a fully devoted follower of Christ and it not effect your money—it’s just not possible. From time to time I will meet someone who says, “Well…I follow Christ in other ways.” And that would be awesome…IF He had given us that option. But He didn’t—He said in Matthew 6:21 that our treasure follows our pleasure—period.

God does not WANT our money or HE would take it!!!  He wants our worship…and our money naturally flows towards what we worship—period.  Giving is an act of worship—it is all through Scripture.

For those who need help in dealing with their finances—contact us here at the office. We will do all we can to help you out. Please understand that we will not give you any money—we have discovered that doing so is usually equal to placing a band-aid on a gun shot wound! BUT we will teach you how to manage the money that you have!!! Call us—or e-mail me here and I will make sure it gets passed on to the right person. AND remember—we also have a free Bible study on this that ROCKS!

I can tell you that I am PUMPED about this series…its going to be the most biblically based financial series that you’ve ever seen. I am NOT going health and wealth…but I am doing a sermon on the blessings of giving. We are NOT going to begin selling pieces of cloth that I have wiped my sweat on. I am not going to ask you to “sow your seed” into this ministry…and I am NOT going to have credit card machines installed at either side of the stage. (Don’t laugh—there are churches that are doing this!!!)

But what I am going to do is unapologetically teach what Scripture says about finances…and pray like crazy that people get set free. Two things—pray for our church as we go through this…and pray for me that God will continue to pour out His wisdom on me.

One more thing—God is so cool—we had over 5,700 people at church today—1,037 of them were in our children’s ministry—yeah God!!!