Super Cool Person of the Week—So Will You Work For Free?

Nov 11, 2005

I used to serve on the campus of Anderson College as a dorm supervisor. I remember it was either 1998 or 1999 my buddy Joel Yates told me about this dude who had transferred to AC from Clemson…he said, “I can’t remember his name right off the top of my head—but he is one of the most gifted musicians I have ever seen.”

About a year or so later I was able to see this “gifted musician” live and in person. He looked like he might weigh 120 pounds…if he was soaking wet. However, I was captivated by the way he worshipped as he led and by the talent that he displayed.

Fast forward about a year…in March of 2000 NewSpring was running about 100 people and I was doing everything just about…the powerpoint presentations, teaching membership class, AND—don’t miss this—AND leading worship.

Folks—it just wasn’t good! Don’t get me wrong, I really tried; however, I knew that if our worship time was going to be excellent and creative then I was going to need to get out of the picture.

So I asked this “gifted skinny musician” (yes, it’s Lee) one night what his dream in life was, and he responded, “I just want to worship.”

The next morning I took him to the Bagel Shop here in Anderson and spent a whopping $2 on him and then said, “Lee…I want you to come on staff with me at NewSpring and be our worship leader. Now with this comes good news and bad news—the good news is that you will run the show…and you can pick music that goes along with the message. Anything you want—I would even like to use secular music when it has a purpose. Now—the bad news is that we can’t pay you anything…and you will have to get a job doing something until we can bring you on staff…and we don’t really know when that will be.”

He was speechless—he didn’t know what to say! I knew from earlier conversations that he had another job offer on the table from another church that could actually afford to pay him! But he prayed about it—talked to his parents…and then informed me that he wanted to come on staff—for free!

What he did not know is that the leadership of the church had met and decided that if he was going to take a step of faith and come on staff—then we were going to take a step of faith and pay him—even though it didn’t make sense on paper.

The first thing he did was to kick me out of the band. Really—I’m not bitter! :-) And I would say that over the past five years I have see Lee develop into the best worship leader I have ever seen. His passion for Jesus and his passion for people amaze me…and the personal conversations we have always either inspire or challenge me to go to the next level.

I love having Lee on staff—he is so creative…and he is not afraid to challenge an idea or offer a different opinion when he has one!

Lee McDee is the best—and he is my Super Cool Person of the Week! His faith in God has continued to grow since that day in the Bagel Shop. Check out his website here! (Yes, there are some free music downloads available!) And remember, for those who attend NewSpring, what you see every Sunday on stage is the REAL DEAL! I have seen his passion for Jesus…and the dude is the same whether he is in front of 50 or 5,000!

Thanks Lee—you rock man!