Pastor P

Sunday Night Reflections

Oct 3, 2010

GREAT day at NewSpring Church (yes, I believe every Sunday is a GREAT Sunday because when God’s Word is preached He always does something significant in peoples lives…whether we see it or not!  Isaiah 55:8-13)

  • It was an honor to have Pastor Steven Furtick from Elevation Church in Charlotte, NC with us today…as always, he did an amazing job.
  • (BTW…here’s where you can pick up “Sun Stand Still” if you were not able to purchase it today)
  • I absolutely loved the sentence that he used as his thesis, “If the size of the vision that you have for your life isn’t intimidating to you then there’s a chance that its insulting to God!”
  • All too often Christians are afraid to dream God sized dreams and pray God sized prayers because, for some stupid reason, we worry about His reputation (actually, I’ve read the end of the book…I think His reputation is going to be quite fine!)  :-)
  • “Miracles can be mundane if we are overexposed to them!”  May we never get used to the amazing things that God is doing in our church and in our lives!
  • I thought the statement he made “what you fail to celebrate will eventually leave your life” was something that we should all stop for a minute and reflect on…because one thing the Body of Christ needs to do more in general is CELEBRATE rather than SULK…after all, THE TOMB IS EMPTY!
  • His phrase that teenagers don’t need rules to live by but rather a vision to life for is something I wished someone would have told me 25 years ago!
  • I really do believe that there is more that God wants to do in everyone’s life…if He was finished with us then we would not be here, the very fact that there is air in your lungs is evidence that He STILL has something to do IN you and THROUGH you!
  • My thought about the day…God didn’t do the miracles in the Bible to tell us WHO HE WAS…but rather WHO HE IS!  If He did it then He can do it again…He has not changed (Hebrews 13:8) and because of that we need to pray God sized prayers and take God sized steps of faith!
  • My prayer for all of us is that we will not waste our lives but rather embrace WHO God is and WHAT He has called us to do…because THAT is the abundant life that JESUS promised us in John 10:10!
  • We wrap up this series next week…and then move on to THE BEST series on marriage we’ve EVER done!

On a personal note…if you are a member/regular attender at NewSpring Church I would ask for your prayers this week.  I’ve been invited to speak at the Catalyst Conference in Atlanta this week and I’m both excited and a little nervous.  I am praying HARD that Jesus will use me to encourage church leaders, thus encouraging their entire church.  Please pray that I will hear God’s voice clearly and that I will say exactly what He wants me to say.  I desperately want to honor Him and His calling on my life…and your prayers this week will make a difference.