Pastor P

Sunday Night Reflections

Apr 18, 2010

A few thoughts on a GREAT day…

  • Seeing HUNDREDS of people flood the alter today, get on their knees and tell God, “I’m coming back” was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!
  • The world can’t “get right” with God until the church is willing to lead in way in doing that very thing!
  • The church doesn’t need revival…we need a brand new reformation…and repentance is KEY for that to happen.
  • Today we covered Luke 2:41-51 and dealt with the question, “Has there ever been a time in your life that you were closer to God than you are right now?”  AND…we drilled down on the fact that though even though you may have turned your back…it’s not too late to come back.
  • People usually don’t plan their walk away from Jesus…it usually just happens because we aren’t playing attention.
  • The first step away from God is usually a small one…but small steps over time can lead to large leaps and eventually take us to a place that we never thought we would be.
  • If you are currently trying to make excuses for the life that you’re living…you are probably stepping in the wrong direction.
  • Yes, the snake story was true…and I’m STILL a little freaked out by it.
  • Yes, the brownie batter blizzard story was true…and I’m CRAVING one RIGHT NOW!  AHHHHHH!
  • We can’t restore the fellowship we once had with Christ unless we are willing to walk to the place of sacrifice and leave behind what we walked away for in the first place.
  • We cannot be content with being near Jesus geographically but not relationally.  (Going to have to listen to the message to fully grasp that thought.)
  • Just like a Diet Coke does not cancel out a Kit Kat bar…radical obedience in one area of our lives does not cancel out radical disobedience in another.
  • If you’ve walked away from God then He’s NOT mad and wants you to come back to Him not to beat you up but to lift you up out of where you plunged down into.
  • He STILL sees the value in you!  (Once again, you need to listen to/hear the message to fully grasp that concept.)

That’s about it for tonight…today was SERIOUSLY one of my favorite Sunday’s of all time.  We should never place a period in our lives and think it is over when God actually sees the necessary punctuation mark as a comma!

I HONESTLY believe that if our church will live out the change that was made today…our communities won’t be able to deny that God is doing an amazing work!