
Spiritual Warfare (Two Of Four)

Dec 5, 2007

In my first post on this I set up the story in Nehemiah 6:1-13. AND…like I said in that post, spiritual warfare is REAL. BUT…what does that look like for us practically? MOST of us are not going to go home and there will be some sort of angel or demon in our closet…so how does spiritual warfare effect us?

Jesus said that satan does desire to steal and kill and destroy (John 10:10)...and one three ways he seeks to do that is through DISTRACTIONS!

Take a look at Nehemiah 6:1-4, here we see Nehemiah focusing on God’s plan for his life…and his enemy trying to pull him off the wall. What I notice upon reading this text is the persistence of the enemy, how he never gives up trying to distract us.

What are some of the ways he does this today?

  • You can’t get him or her out of your mind, you think about them constantly…the only problem is that you are married to someone else!!! Distraction!
  • You have made an effort to get out of debt…but you saw your buddies new golf clubs and now you’ve GOT to have some just like them. Distraction!
  • You know that receiving that promotion would mean a lot more money…but it would also require you to spend even more time away from your family. Distraction!
  • Maybe you were in a relationship that you knew was not right so you ended it…and now you’re lonely. Your phone rings…it’s him/her…you know you shouldn’t but…Distraction!
  • You know what the Bible says about forgiveness…but for some reason you just can’t get out of your mind what they did to you.  Distraction!
  • You used to be a part of “that crowd” and pursued “that lifestyle,” but you know that isn’t what God wants out of you anymore. Your old friends are pressuring you to “come back” and when you refuse they say “you think you’re too good now!” Distraction!

We all face them…and they are all different…but the enemy will use whatever he can to take our eyes off of Jesus and put them on another person or problem.

I used to be HORRIBLE at this…my distraction was the fact that I was obsessed with what the blog world thought about me and NewSpring. I would search the internet for hours and actually got caught up in many useless debates and wars when I should have been pursuing Christ. He rebuked me of this earlier this year and by not paying attention to that junk it has made a HUGE difference in me.

We’ve all dealt with this!!! Is there ANYTHING that the enemy is using to take your eyes off of Jesus right now? Worry? Stress? Doubt? He’s good at it…and it’s one of his number one weapons. As followers of Christ we need to continually let him refuse to distract us…no matter what.