Running Out Of Gas

Mar 30, 2006

So I was on my way to meet the running crew this morning (5.5 mile run) and I saw two police cars with their blue lights on at an intersection in front of me.

I assumed what most people would assume in a situation like that…that an accident had taken place and someone was in serious trouble; thus the reason for two police cars.

However, as I got closer I realized the problem—the car in front of the two police cars had simply ran out of gas. (Conveniently they were right in front of a gas station!!!)

I don’t understand that—how do people run out of gas? I can honestly say that this has never happened to me. PEOPLE—it’s REALLY not that difficult—that little thingy on the dashboard of your car is a communication device that is there for the purpose of letting you know how much gas you have.

HINT…when it gets close to the “E” then you need more gas!

I know, I have heard it all before, “I thought I had more in the tank,” or, “when it gets on ‘E’ I still really have about 20 more miles.” And though these excuses flow freely—every day someone runs out of gas because they simply will not pay attention to the gas gauge.

The same can be said spiritually!

We had a staff meeting this morning where I communicated to our staff that my biggest fear as a pastor leading this staff is for one of them to run out of gas. I know that might not make sense to some, you may wonder, “How can a staff member at a church run out of gas spiritually?” I would answer, “The same way people run out of gas in their cars—they think they are ok & so they ignore the warning signs AND the obvious places that are designed to help them fill up.”

I know what its like to be on “E” spiritually and still be expected to lead—to be honest, it has to be one of the worse feelings in the world. AND I DON’T WANT THIS FOR ME OR MY STAFF!

Ministry takes work—LOTS of work…and it’s hard, yet I remember a statement made by Bill Hybels that he made in reference to the days when Willow took off and he was doing ministry at a blazing speed - “The speed at which I was doing the work of God was destroying God’s work in me.”


As a follower of Jesus Christ WE have the responsibility to fill our tanks. It bothers me when a Christian makes a comment about a church and says, “I wasn’t getting fed there…” News flash—it’s not the churches job to feed you!!! Let me explain…

Lucretia and I have some friends who have three children under the age of four! (They LOVE the Song of Solomon!!!) One of the things I have discovered about watching each of these children grow up is that when they get to be a certain age they learn to feed themselves—and if a person needs to be fed then that communicates infancy and not maturity.

We are responsible for putting spiritual food into our souls so that we have something to offer for those who are TRULY starving when they walk into our church on Sunday. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to gauge where your spiritual gas gauge is…

#1 - When was the last time I clearly heard God speak to me? (If you have to think about this for a long time…you are close to “E”.)

#2 - When was the last time you saw something in Scripture that looked new and fresh, even though you had read it before? (I recently changed versions of the Bible and it has taken my time with God to the next level!!!)

#3 - When was the last time I invited a complete stranger to church?

#4 - Does my mouth and mind go to automatic pilot during the time we sing…or do I truly mean the words that I sing?

#5 - When was the last time I thought about how far God has brought me? (God rocked my world with I Corinthians 1:26-29 yesterday in regards to this—I can see myself so clearly in these verses!!!)

#6 - Can those closest to me see Jesus in me? (In other words—do your children have to look to another household for an example of a godly mother or father…or two parents that REALLY love each other?)

#7 - Am I ministering out of OBLIGATION or the OVERFLOW? I have done it from obligation before…and there just isn’t any fruit involved.

I challenge you to do what Mary did in Luke 10:38-39, take some time to sit at the feet of Jesus and LISTEN! I promise it will put gas in your tank…


Todd did a post about my toes hurting on his site—you can read it here. Please keep two things in mind…

#1 - That is not my foot—I promise that mine is MUCH uglier than that one!!!

#2 - Todd, THANK YOU for your encouragement…as well as everyone else who posted some awesome comments…it means more than you know dude!