
Q & A With Pastor P—Part Two

Apr 22, 2008

Jerry writes…

“I’d love to hear you speak to the nationwide trend of video campuses. I know why this methodology is gaining momentum. What I’d like to hear you address is what you have identified as the inherent dangers associated with this popular church growth strategy.”

Jerry…excellent question. For the sake of time and space I will identify three dangers I see that potentially be a dangerous thing for a multi-site campus.

#1 - The Focus Is On Technology And Not Jesus.

It’s sad…but in some cases the technological tail wags the dog…and things in churches are done not because they are led by God…but because they would be “cool” and “hip.”

I think technology is a tool that God has allowed us to have to reach the world…but it should never be the focus of a church or a ministry. The church should never “dumb down” what we are called to do so that technology can be the center of our attention.

(BTY…this isn’t just a danger for a multi-site church…but ANY church. When a church focuses on ANYONE or ANYTHING other than Jesus Christ…it is in serious trouble.)

#2 - Poor Leadership

One of THE KEYS, in my opinion, to a successful multi-site venue is having a well equipped and competent senior pastor.

We have the privilege of having Howard in Greenville and Michael in Florence...and I am 100% bought into these guys and believe that they are THE LEADERS to carry out what God has called us to do.

Whenever you begin a church (or a multi-site) you will have what I call vision vandals who try their best to hijack the vision…and that CAN happen when the campus pastor is a coward and/or isn’t fully bought into the vision in the first place.

NewSpring Greenville and NewSpring Florence aren’t going to just have the NewSpring name…they will have our DNA and will be pressing towards the same goal…to see people meet Jesus and grow up in Him!

#3 - People Resisting Attending B/C They Say They Don’t Want To Go To Church And Watch A Video.

I’ve heard this…you have to…and it makes me laugh every time because…

When I teach live at NewSpring and try to make eye contact with the crowd—I can’t because…NO ONE IS LOOKING AT ME…they are all looking at the screen! Seriously, it’s crazy! I am standing RIGHT THERE and no one sees me!

I was very skeptical of this movement until I visited several campuses who do it well and had forgotten it was a video within the first three minutes of the presentation.

However, there are just some people who will probably say they prefer a live speaker. (Which is silly because I would bet that none of them would say, “We don’t go to movies because they aren’t live—nope, we only enjoy plays.”)

Those are the first three that popped into my mind…hope that helps.