It’s Better Than Hell!

Aug 16, 2005

We will face difficulties in life—that is a fact. No one woke up with a worry free guarantee this morning…and so we will experience things that make us angry…all the way from dropped cell phone calls to hitting every single red light on the way to work. (That happened to me this morning!!!)

So how do we deal with these things? I believe we can either get bitter or get better…and I choose to try to get better. How do we accomplish that? I believe by learning how to adapt the mindset, “It’s better than hell.”

I first heard this expression in 1992 and it has served me well—let me explain what it means.

The Bible says that we are all born sinners…and that the wages of sin is death. In other words—what I deserve for my sin is hell. However, the Bible also says that Jesus Christ paid for my sins on the cross and that if I accept His free gift of eternal life that I will not spend eternity in hell-but rather this super cool place called heaven.

So as a sinner I deserved hell—and that was my eternal destination until Jesus rocked my world…and believe me, with my previous lifestyle I was on “the hell express!” But Jesus changed my life…I am a brand new person…and so I have to look at this life that I am living and say, “No matter what happens to me—no matter how many times I drop a cell phone call—no matter how many times I get sick—no matter how many times an unexpected bill comes in the mail—reality is, “It’s better than hell!!!”

I had to say this last night. I recently purchased a new vehicle—when I say recently I mean a week ago. The dealer provided me with an excellent deal and I took it. I have really been enjoying riding around in style.

So last night I had a meeting at Chic-fil-a. (We spare no expenses in our meetings at New Spring.) No, it was not a dinner meeting—I had to meet someone for drinks. (They had diet Dr. Pepper—I went for the strong stuff—sweet tea!) The meeting went great and afterwards Jason Moorhead and I walked out into the parking lot…

...and that’s when we saw it…

Someone had hit my car. Oh no, it wasn’t a minor bump—they creamed it. In fact, a part of their turning lights and bumper were on the ground next to my car. Unless they were on some major crack rock there is no way they didn’t know.

And you guessed it—there was no note on my windshield—nothing. All I could do was stand there and laugh. It really would have done me no good to get mad—who would I have gotten angry with? I had to tell myself over and over in my mind, “Hey dude—it’s better than hell!”

I hope that helps you—it sure has helped me. One of the most awesome things about being a Christ Follower is the fact that on this planet things can and will get bad; however, this is the most “hell” that I will ever experience.

Remember—no matter what happens—it’s better than hell!!!