
Husbands…Want To Have More Sex With Your Wife?

Nov 24, 2008

Sex is on everyone’s mind…ESPECIALLY if you are a man!  UNFORTUNATELY…the church hasn’t had the stones to address the issue…thus resulting in a lot of confusion and false teaching about the subject.

One of the things that people seem to forget was that sex was God’s idea!  He created it to be enjoyed frequently and to be viewed as special between a HUSBAND and HIS WIFE!

(There IS an entire book of the Bible dedicated to the subject of sex!!!  Song of Solomon!  And PLEASE do not send me your stupid emails about how that is a metaphor talking about Christ and His love for the church.  That idea is ridiculous…AND SICK!  Seriously, how in the world do you explain Song of Solomon 7:1-8 thinking like that?  WEIRDO!!!)
However, the world has taken it and ran with its own ideas…and so in today’s society, when it comes to sex…people have a “whatever” attitude!

Recently, my friend Ed Young challenged the married couples in the congregation at Fellowship Church to have sex for seven days in a row!  (Their church membership increased 1,293 %—just kidding!)

I thought that was an incredible idea.  I love what he said about regular and intimate sex between a husband and a wife is the best way for a couple to combat sexual temptation in a marriage.

BUT…I started thinking…what happens when the seven days are over?

SO…I sat down and made up a list of five things I really believe a husband can do in order to have a consistent, healthy, vibrant and exciting sex life WITHIN marriage!

And I will post about it…tomorrow!  :-)