
How To Be Pursued By A Guy

May 1, 2008

I decided to write a post for the ladies in how they should be pursued by a guy. (Remember ladies…it is up to him to pursue!)

#1 - Be Honest

Ladies, it is HIGHLY important for you to be incredibly honest with a guy. For example…if he asks you out & the answer is no…THEN TELL HIM NO! Don’t ask him to call you and then ignore his calls for the next week, hoping he gets the point. Just be straight up!

AND…if at any time you are feeling that the relationship is NOT progressing in the way you feel like it needs to…don’t string the guy along because you are insecure and then dump him at the first sign of possibly being able to go out with another guy. Do what is right at the right time.

One more thing…IF you are interested in him and you think he may be interested in you…it is not wrong to let the dude know that, if he asked you out, that you would say yes.

(You can get creative in the way you do this. I have a friend who got a guys calender, picked a date on it and then wrote, 7:00—“pick Jenn up and take her to dinner.” He did!! AND—several years later they actually got married!)

#2 - Be Mentally Balanced
I can’t say this enough…ladies, if a guy asks you out for coffee…then, in all seriousness, all he probably wants to do is GET COFFEE!!! Don’t over analyze coffee! I know some single ladies who will sit in a room for hours and think, “What did he mean by coffee? Did he mean we should get coffee sometime, or does he drink coffee in the morning and secretly hopes that one day I will be his wife so that I can make his coffee…I AM NOT making his coffee, who the heck does he think he is…”

Well, you get the picture.

With most guys, “Let’s have dinner” really does mean “let’s have dinner.” Don’t get all emo on the poor dude!

#3 - Be Focused

I say this a lot when talking to single ladies…but PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do not settle.

The Bible says in Ephesians 3:20 that God is able to do more than we could ever imagine…that’s HUGE!

I have seen WAY too many ladies settle, hoping that they could “fix the dude up!” Ladies—God didn’t call you to fix him…only Christ can do that.

If you are in Christ then you are the King’s daughter…and you do not need to settle for the boy who can’t accept responsibility…you need to wait for the man who is WILLING to fight for your heart.