
A Disturbing Pattern In Blog World

Jul 25, 2007

I have been quite outspoken on this site about the Christian watchdogs that do nothing except for attack and bash those who are actually trying to reach people for Christ. At one time I was obsessed with these sites…I would literally read them every day and then steam about what they had recently said about me and/or my friends.

HOWEVER, I made a commitment several months ago not to go to these sites any longer. I repented of my stupidity—seriously—I was making myself sick! I even went as far to make a commitment to our entire senior management team that if I visit these sites OR if I google or technorati my name that I would pay each of them $100 a piece for each visit…thus far I haven’t had to pay anyone.

AND MY MIND HAS BEEN SET FREE! I can’t tell you how awesome it feels to not be consumed with anger and bitterness towards those who launch verbal attacks from behind a computer screen…but if they had to confront me face to face they would probably wet themselves!
BUT…something is changing in blog world. I have seen a disturbing pattern over the past month or two. I started not to say anything about it—but I feel like I have to…so here goes…

There are way too many bloggers that are building a philosophy of ministry based on their own calling and giftedness...and if other churches and leaders do not have the exact same philosophy as them then they are wrong. This is nothing more than spiritual pride—which the last time I checked—is exactly what got satan kicked out of heaven.

Want an example?

There are two very different philosophies in today’s world regarding church multiplication. One is churches planting churches and the other is churches starting video venues. In my opinion NEITHER one is better than the other.

HOWEVER, I have seen some very disturbing posts on blogs that I do read from guys that are actually attacking the video venue movement. They say that video venues are just a fad—that they will pass—and one guy even went as far to call out a particular pastor, who happens to be a friend of mine, and call him an ego driven maniac, which is simply not true. My friend was attacked because of insecurity and pride and not because what he is doing is wrong.

Pastors, we cannot complain about other churches always attacking us and then go and do the same thing and justify it because we are merely defending our philosophy. We have all been guilty of this at one time or another…but as long as Jesus is being honored and people are being reached and sin is not being glorified then I honestly believe we need to shut our flippin’ mouth and let God work—EVEN if He chooses to move in ways that are unconventional in our minds.

Here is my take on pastors doing church plants and video venues—the leadership of the church should always be in a state of desperately seeking what Jesus wants…and then when He makes it clear then HIS direction should be followed; after all, it IS His church.

Those in the church planting mode who are attacking video venues need to consider this—MAYBE God led the church (or churches) that you are attacking to begin video venues. MAYBE God is all over this movement. MAYBE people are being reached. MAYBE the kingdom is getting a little larger and God is getting the glory for it all…and if that is happening then who are we to say this movement is wrong.

Just because your church doesn’t adhere to a particular philosophy of ministry does not mean that it is not of God…and to make the claim that your church is right and every other church is wrong is doing nothing more than putting yourself in the same role that you claim drives you crazy!!!

I say this because NewSpring is about to launch a video site in Greenville…our first of MANY sites that we are going to launch all across the state of South Carolina. Why are we doing this? It’s really simple—for the past year our leadership has desperately sought what Jesus wants…and we all feel with all our hearts that this is the direction He has led us to. We are excited about it and KNOW that thousands of eternities will be altered.

Are we into church planting? Absolutely—but the way the Lord has led us to do it is through video venues for now. And fellas—seriously—let’s be ok with this. Some of you read this blog and the men who you call egomaniacs are FAR from it. I happen to know these men personally and they are radically in love with Jesus. If you want me to be honest—and egomaniac is someone who is doing something their way and feels like everyone else should do it exactly the way they should do it.

It takes all kinds of churches to reach all kinds of people—so guys—we’re on the same team—let’s go as hard as we can to reach as many as we can for the kingdom…and acknowledge that just because we don’t agree with a certain philosophy…as long as sin isn’t involved…we should keep our mouths shut and rejoice in what the Lord is doing.

We do what the Lord has called us to do here at NewSpring—we understand that all churches are not like us—NOR SHOULD THEY BE—but as long as people are being reached and lives are being changed—I say to God be the glory!!!