
10 Questions Leaders Should Be Asking

Jul 6, 2011

I did a post about a month ago entitled, “10 Questions Staff Members Should Be Asking.” I wanted to follow it up with this one…

#1 - Am I angry at something or someone…and have I allowed that anger to impact the way I preach and the way I lead?  (Leading out of anger never really leads to anything good!)

#2 - Am I leading people or driving them?  (To find the answer of this question simply look in the wake of your leadership, and see if you see people rising to their potential OR if you see lives being destroyed.)

#3 - Do I always find myself having to share my opinion about everything and feel like it is my job to correct everyone I work with rather than trying to learn from them?  (if so then there could be a pride problem!)

#4 - Am I more obsessed with the perceived sins of others…OR the ones that I am completely aware of in my own life?  (Being obsessed with the sins of others and becoming highly critical of them is most often a way to stay away from the fact that God is calling me to confess and repent of something.)

#5 - Am I ok with someone else on my staff having the spotlight on them…or does it always have to be about me?

#6 - If I stood in front of God today and shared my dreams with Him regarding the future of this church, would He accuse me of dreaming to small?

#7 - Do I sincerely believe that God has called, gifted and empowered the leaders who work with me?  And…if so…do they know it by the way I empower and release them?

#8 - Am I willing to have tough conversations where expectations are clearly spoken and people are held accountable?  (If you are afraid to do so because it may hurt someone’s feelings then you need to come to grips with the fact that God has called you to lead…and by not doing so you actually dishonor the calling God has placed on your life to lead.)

#9 - Am I willing to receive input from people who are neck deep in the ministry of this church?  (Volunteers and staff members are not only great sources of information…but also inspiration as God speaks very clearly to them quite frequently!)

#10 - Am I as loyal to the people who work for me as I expect them to be to me?  (True loyalty is a two way street!)

BONUS:  Am I willing to receive the blame for my own shortcomings or am I always looking for someone to throw under the bus?

BONUS:  Does my family know, love and respect me or am I sacrificing them for the perceived success of the church/ministry I claim that I’m serving?