Are You Frustrated With The Financial Situation In Your Church?

Feb 14, 2018

I've worked in church world for over two decades and know one of the major problems all of us wrestle with as a church leader is the financial stress associated with ministry.  

It’s not fun to experience a cash shortfall month after month – and when this happens it causes us to wrestle with whether or not we are a good leader...because we really do believe and feel called to do more. 

I completely understand because I started a church with no money – and, worse than that, no plan to raise money. 

However, over time I discovered several concepts that allowed the church I led to go from a $48,000 a year budget to a $63,000,000 budget – and in that time we started 17 campuses and reached over 50,000 people for Christ. 

Because of what I learned I would love to show you

  • Six things an increase in giving will do for your church,
  • Tell you seven reasons people don’t give
  • Let you know the four THE BEST DAYS to preach on giving for the rest of 2018. 

All you have to do is go to (number or spell it out) – give us your email address and I will send you four videos (one per day) – and I promise if you just take the information in these videos you will see an increase in giving in your church,
which will increase your confidence as a leader and allow your church to do more ministry. 

OR…you can continue to live in stress, uncertainty and have limited ministry impact. 

Once again -  – I can promise it will be well worth the time you invest to watch these videos.