Where Did The Day Go?

Aug 25, 2005

Ever had one of those days—things just happened to FLY by? Today was that day—studying & prep time for Sunday was this morning…yes, I take Sunday’s very seriously & studying is NOT an option!

Then there was lunch with a dude name Gary Lamb—he started a church in Georgia about a year ago and they are already averaging over 400 people—wow! You go Gary!

We had an interesting conversation about people getting upset about pastors talking about sex in church…he’s in a series entitled, “Desperate Sex Lives,” and we are preparing a singles series for this fall called, “Hitch.” I will be posting my thoughts about teaching on sex in the church this Monday…you might not want to miss that one!

After that we had several meetings…one of which was the final run thru for this Sunday…and some things concerning next Sunday as well. (We will be showing a video next Sunday of things NEVER seen on the screen @ Newspring!)

And now I am preparing for Home Groups…and I am pumped…I have an awesome HG!

That’s about it for today…maybe one more random thought before I turn in tonight! God bless, see you tomorrow for Super Cool Person of the Week!