
URGENCY!!!  (Part Two)

Dec 11, 2009

One of the things I’ve been begging God for is a renewed sense of urgency when it comes to reaching this world for Christ!!!  I don’t ever want to get to the point where I get so wrapped up in “church work” that evangelism is neglected.

Which takes me back to my story yesterday about Jennifer.  There was a CLEAR opportunity in front of me…she CLEARLY was in danger…she was CLEARLY unaware of what was taking place…she CLEARLY thought I was joking around the first time I spoke with her…and all of this makes me think…

#1 - WHAT IF I had simply decided to just commit to praying for her?

#2 - WHAT IF I had decided that I didn’t really want to place myself in an uncomfortable situation?

#3 - WHAT IF I had turned my back on what was happening right in front of me?

#4 - WHAT IF I had said, “this isn’t REALLY that important…and now’s just not the best time to draw attention to this?”

#5 - WHAT IF I had said, “Well, I can’t help everyone being robbed…what about the person in the jungle who gets robbed, who is going to help that person?”

#6 - WHAT IF I had given up on trying to get her away from danger after she didn’t respond the first time?

#7 - WHAT IF I had decided to enroll in Bible studies on how to warn people who were being robbed?

#8 - WHAT IF I had not realized that someone’s life was at stake?


Guess what…when it comes to sharing Christ and inviting people to church…there is WAY more at stake than there was with Jennifer in Ryans that day.  We’re talking eternity.

There really is a heaven…and there really is a hell…and people really do go to one or the other!

And we can’t make excuses any longer…we’ve got to be willing to do whatever it takes to reach these people and tell them about Jesus…

If you are a member or regular attender of NewSpring I am asking you to do three things…

#1 - Read Luke 14:15-23 and Luke 15:1-10 and see how JESUS feels about people who are lost and far from Him!

#2 - Ask God WHO you need to BRING to church with you THIS MONTH!!!  Seriously…ask Him to place someone (or multiple people) on your heart after reading the Scripture above.  (We are going ALL OUT THIS SUNDAY to share the GOSPEL…you SERIOUSLY NEED to get people here!!!)

#3 - SEIZE the opportunities that God puts in front of you!  Read Isaiah 40:6-8, we have a limited time on this big ball of dirt we call earth…and we have a direct command from our Savior to REACH the world for Him (Matthew 28:18-20)...the WORLD begins with those who God has placed right in front of us…so let’s go for it!!!