
Too Busy?

Mar 6, 2009

The other night on the way home from church I just about ran off the road listening to a news story…

It seems that a woman in Ohio was arrested after it was reported to authorities that she had been seen driving down the road while breastfeeding her child AND talking on the cell phone.

(Here is the link if you don’t believe me!  I’ve heard of “multi-tasking”...but DANG!)

After I heard that story I began to think about how much I try to accomplish at one time…and how I associate being busy with being productive.

Then Psalm 46:10 hit me like a ton of bricks—He didn’t say “be busy and know that I am God.”  In fact, in my desire to do and accomplish more I often forget that He is God, which brings about stress, worry and frustration.

“Be still and KNOW that I am God!”  Knowing that He is God results in me being still…which is SO anti-American!  We are SO consumed with speed, greed and our needs!

“Be still and KNOW that I am God.”  This could be as easy as…

  • Not listening to the radio on the drive to and from work.
  • Turning off your cell phone for an hour.
  • Having a night in the home without the television.
  • Going computerless for a weekend.

WAIT…did I say those things were EASY?

Lately God has convicted me of my passion for being busy rather than being broken…and without KNOWING that He is God I will always assume that I am responsible for the universe…not Him!
In a world that is saying, “speed up” I believe the Lord is saying, “slow down!”

Just a thought…