Thoughts On Unity

Feb 23, 2006

W0w—this has been an interesting week…a GREAT number of things have taken place…and while the battle between heaven and hell has been raging—the people who claim to be in God’s army have been shooting one another.


I was led to this passage earlier on this week…I just can’t get it out of my mind…and so I thought I would share it…

Luke 9:49-50, “‘Master,’ said John, ‘we saw a man driving out demons in your name and we tried to stop him, because he is not one of us.’ ‘Do not stop him,’ Jesus said, ‘for whoever is not against you is for you.’”

AWESOME stuff! Here is a dude who is busy about the Lord’s work…you know, driving out demons…and I’ve heard it said, “Everyone’s day is a little better with a few less demons!” Anyway, the Apostles, specifically John, has a problem with this because this other dude (we don’t know his name) is apparently not in the “inner circle” and maybe is even using some type of unfamiliar method.

And Jesus basically says, “Uh, guys—get over it! DO NOT stop his work—because if he is not against us—he’s for us!”

In light of all that has happened this week—I think there are some things we can learn here.

#1 - The Bible specifically says in Ephesians 6:12 that our battle is not against flesh and blood. I have been called out on websites for NOT defending what we do here at NewSpring. I’ve been asked why I won’t respond to e-mails that question our motives and our methods.

It’s really quite simple—I do not have time. You see, the staff and I are so focused on lost people getting found…and found people getting grown up…that we don’t have time to debate methods. I am not getting caught up in it—nor will I allow the staff to go there. We realize who our competition is with…and it’s not with various websites or the church across town…it’s with the kingdom of darkness…and every single piece of artillery we have will always be pointed in that direction…and NOT at people on our own team.

I am incredibly open to criticism…I need it—it is how we get better; however, we do not need it from name callers and people who do nothing but dedicate their time to fighing Christians rather than going after those who are not in the kingdom.

#2 - It Takes Different Types Of People To Reach Different Types Of People. (Wasn’t that profound!)

I remember a time when I thought the way we did church at NewSpring was right…and everyone else was WRONG! I was so stupid—I thought that if other churches could just be more like us then we could win the world.

And so God allowed me to have a conversation with one of the smartest men on the planet, Lee Royce, former president of Anderson University and now the president of Mississippi College. He told me, “Perry, I appreciate what NewSpring is doing…you guys are reaching an incredibly diverse group of people and God is in this; however, I do not think my family and I will worship with you every week.”

I was DUMBFOUNDED! “Why not?”

“Because Perry—I enjoy more hymns…I enjoy an orchestra…I enjoy hearing a choir…I enjoy a different style.” It was then that I realized how cocky and arrogant I had been…to think that our way was THE way. Lee Royce is one of the godliest men I have ever met in my entire life, and to say he was wrong would have been…well…wrong!

So…I am in favor of different styles and methods…it takes that! The world needs that. Just look at the group Jesus assembled to be around him…a fisherman…a zealot, a tax collector—and these dudes did not like each other—but they worked together…maybe that’s why Jesus said, “They will know you are my disciples by the way you love one another.” Notice He did not say, “by the degrees you have on your wall,” or, “by the way you kick the crap out of people on your side.” Just a thought! :-)

#3 - If Something Is Not Of God—Time Will Tell!

There is a story in the book of Acts about the Apostles and them being persecuted…the Pharisees were TICKED at what they were doing and wanted to try their best to stop them. And then this dude named Gamaliel said,

” this present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.” Acts 5:38-39

Enough said!

#4 - We Need To Be Very Careful About What We Say And How We Say It!

Folks—the world is watching! There are lost and unchurched people who read this blog everyday…along with other Christian blogs. And when they see nothing but negativity and venom spewing out of one person or group of people towards another—that’s just not right.

I lashed out on Tuesday…and I meant it. I am all about healthy, godly debate…I welcome it! However, to tell someone they “do not love Jesus,” or, “they are going to burn in the pits of hell” is—well, it’s extremely judgmental…AND I think we could say it is wrong.

As I said earlier—we do not have time to answer every question from critics and skeptics as to why we do what we do. We are not the perfect church…and never will be as long as I am the pastor. We make mistakes…but we are trying—we are trying our best to do what God has called us to do the way He has called us to do it…and we will not stop—we can’t—there is too much at stake.

In other news:

To those who responded about the typing—we will be getting back to you—we are looking for people who can type REALLY fast…because I talk really fast. :-)

BAPTISM is this Saturday! WOW! I can’t wait! It looks like we are going to baptize right around 100 people. YEAH GOD!

Marathon Update: We have a 12 mile run on Saturday—PRAY HARD!