
Not Again!!!

Aug 24, 2009

Two things hit me last week that have inspired this series of posts and rants…

The other morning I was lying in bed and listening to the workers build the house next door (they usually begin around 5:50!)  :-)  I began thinking through and praying about what it takes to build a house…and how those same principle’s apply to having a solid marriage…

THEN IT HAPPENED…and “it” pissed me off and broke my heart at the same time…

ANOTHER pastor had an affair on his wife, blew his marriage completely apart and left damage and destruction is his wake that impacted THOUSANDS of people.  (I blogged about this at another point when I got angry with this post entitled, “Keep Your Penis In Your Pants.”)

I’m frustrated…because…it really does seem like this is happening more, not less.  Heck, I don’t know…maybe it’s always been a problem.  Maybe because of the internet and social media we are just now discovering something that has actually been around for quite a while.

Pastors—church leaders—we’ve GOT to take a stand against this.  We cannot continue to pretend it isn’t happening…and we can’t think that we are immune to the temptation either.  We’ve GOT to make INTEGRITY an issue in our ministry…because if we don’t MAKE IT an issue now…it WILL BE an issue in the future.

The stakes are high…and we need men of God who are not willing to trade in the anointing for an orgasm!

Yes, He does forgive.  Yes, His grace covers our sins…but His grace DOES NOT cover our consequences!

So…beginning tomorrow I am going to do a series of posts on how I believe pastors/church leaders (HECK…ANYBODY) can literally affair proof their marriage.

AND…please don’t send me an email telling me that “I don’t understand your situation.”  When it comes to pastors…I DO…we’ll get into that tomorrow.