
I Believe…

May 7, 2009

Here are a few things I believe…

  • I believe the churches BEST DAYS are ahead of her…not behind her.
  • I believe that God is getting ready to do something in the world unlike He has ever done before.
  • I believe that what I mentioned above is GOING to happen through the local church—the ONE thing He said He would build.
  • I believe that God is going to call more and more people into full time ministry that never even considered that vocation.
  • I believe that God is going to take leaders who are sold out to His Spirit (not a denomination or a doctoral program) and CHANGE how the world views church!
  • I believe the best, most influential churches that will exist in the next 50-100 years haven’t even been planted yet.
  • I believe a strong youth and children’s ministry is ESSENTIAL for the church to make sure the next generation is set up for success.
  • I believe that church leaders should spend way less time trying to explain themselves to critics and move on with what God has called them to do.
  • I believe that GOD REIGNS…which should make “attempting the impossible” a LOT easier!
  • I believe that the church is FULL of untapped potential…that there are people who, if they KNEW what God has in store for them, would rise up and partner together to transform the communities in which they exist.
  • I believe the level of committment that church leaders need to call for needs to be the same that Jesus called for!  (“Take up your cross!”)
  • I believe the church needs to understand we are called to be a movement…not merely a meeting.
  • I believe there are people reading this right now who have a burning passion in them to do something great for God…but fear and uncertainty are holding you back.  GO FOR IT…the same power that brought Jesus to life LIVES IN YOU!!!  WHY WAIT?
  • I believe that pastors are the most underrated change agents in the world.
  • I believe that pastors MUST embrace their gifting and delegate the rest, knowing that it will tick church people off…BUT understanding that our call is not to make everyone happy.
  • I believe Jesus really did rise from the dead…really did say what He said in Acts 1:8…and it is our calling to take the Gospel to the world.
  • I believe the main desire of our planning for Sunday’s should be salvation and repentance…not cultural relevance.

I believe these things…and I’ve dedicated my life to them!  I KNOW He is a great God…and great things are in store.