
He Carries Me!

Nov 2, 2007

I mentioned Habakkuk 3:19 the other day while journaling through my Bible journey on-line.  The Lord brought that verse back to mind this evening while I was staring at Charisse’s car seat.

Right now the only way that Charisse can get anywhere is if she is carried.  From upstairs to downstairs—carried.  To the mailbox to check the mail—carried.  To a restaurant so ‘Cretia and I can eat and make cute faces at her—carried.  Her legs are not strong enough to take her where she needs to go—so she is totally dependent upon ‘Cretia and I to carry her.

That pretty much describes my relationship with Jesus—he carries me!

I was too weak and sinful to save myself, on my best day I was a dirty dish cloth in the throne room of God.  (Isaiah 64:6)  But Jesus became my righteousness (II Corinthians 5:21) and carried me out of sin, shame and guilt into a brand new life.  (II Corinthians 5:17)

Today, if ANYTHING significant happens in my life—it’s because He carries me.  I cannot love my wife without Him carrying me.  I cannot be a good father without Him carrying me.  I cannot preach without Him carrying me.  I cannot lead the church without Him carrying me.  I cannot do ANYTHING without Him carrying me!  (John 15:5)

Sure, at times I try to escape His handle on my life and make it on my own—and every time I do so results in pain and regret.  Yet, for some reason, even when I walk away—He’s always there, waiting to take me back and carry me some more.

I am so thankful for a God who isn’t yelling “do more, try harder” at me, but rather a Father who is willing to pick me up and carry me—I am useless and helpless without Him.