
Four Wishes I Have For Church Leaders - Part Three

Apr 30, 2009

#3 – That We Will Be Filled With Passion!

Life is too short to screw around and play games!

The church doesn’t need any more leaders who are apathetic and unaware of who JESUS is and what HE wants to do with HIS church…but rather we need leaders who are consumed with passion, who have a fire inside of them that cannot be contained (Jeremiah 20:9)…and will do whatever they can to reach whoever they can and literally watch Jesus change their community one life at a time!

Our motivation for EVERYTHING we do should be passion…unfortunately for some church leaders passion isn’t their motivation…a paycheck is…and because of that their vision is “always for sale!”

One of the reasons I believe the church in America lacks passion overall is because her leaders lack passion.  It seems that our main obsession has become to maintain the status quo and keep the sheep happy rather than to listen to the voice of Jesus and do what He says!

Passion is something we must pray for…and then allow it to consume our lives.

  • A passionate leader keeps on trying when others have given up.
  • A passionate leader will stand and fight for what is right when others run.
  • A passionate leader WILL NOT STOP asking God to do the unexplainable and the undeniable so that the church will become unstoppable.
  • A passionate leader will face his biggest fears because he knows that God is Sovereign.
  • A passionate leader will not offer up excuses as to why what God has spoken to him cannot be done
  • A passionate leader will believe in the team around him and learn to pull from their passion when his seems to be fading.
  • A passionate leader will sacrifice—period!
  • A passionate leader will operate “in the now” but will always be moving towards what is next.

We don’t need any more leaders who are locked up in the prison of predictability.  We need leaders in the church who are consumed with passion.  When what REALLY matters to God TRULY matters to us…the world will NOT be able to resist all He wants to do through His church.