Four Questions About Sex & A Sex Series

Apr 8, 2015

This Sunday we begin a brand new series entitled, “Sex…It Doesn’t Have To Be Grey!” 

There are some people who are really excited about this series, others are curious in regards to what type of things will be talked about—and others are afraid of what is going to be said. 

Which is why I am writing this article—to answer some questions you may have about why we’re doing the series and what can be expected. 

#1 – Why is our church going to spend four weeks dealing with the subject of sex? 

Everyone is thinking about sex!  Movies are dominated by sex scenes (99.9% of the time between people who are not married.)  Songs about sex are always popular.  In short—society is speaking up about sex and the world is buying what they are selling. 

Christians are upset because the world seems to have immersed itself in the sexual gutter, yet the church is also afraid to address the subject for fear it may make people uncomfortable or cause someone to blush. 

So, while the world continues to have the dominant voice the church continues to focus on things such as the dimensions of the Ark of the Covenant, the truth of the T-U-L-I-P and the dichotomy/trichotomy of the Spirit (you know, things that are burning on the laity’s heart) and ignoring the issues that people really are dealing with. 

#2 – Why would the church want to do a series that has the potential to make so many people feel guilty? 

The purpose of this series is not for condemnation, but for declaration that Jesus Christ has set us free from being in bondage to sexual sin.

Sexual sin has more potential to destroy the work of God in someone than any other sin.  I’ve experienced it’s destruction in my personal life and know that if sex can sink it’s teeth into someone early and often, it can have power over them emotionally and spiritually for the rest of their lives. 

Jesus will convict us of sin so we may repent and walk closer with Him; however, He clearly said in John 3:17 that He did not come to condemn the world. 

My heart is not for people to feel hopeless in this series, but to know there is a way to walk in victory and peace in regards to what takes place sexually in our lives. 

It is impossible to separate sex from one's spiritual walk. 

Every single time I speak on the subject of grace and how people are completely forgiven in Christ there will always be someone who cannot believe it to be true—and in over two decades of ministry I can honestly say that the #1 area people really do wrestle with God’s grace is sexual sin. 

It’s worth us talking about so people can step out of the prison of their past into the potential of their future! 

#3 – What if my middle schooler/high schooler is in the room with me? 

The very first thing I hope a parent would realize is that they know way more about the subject than we did at their age.  They are already talking about it (and most likely believe things about it that are not true.) 

What I am striving for in this series as a pastor is encouragement, information and hopefully to see people experience transformation.  I can promise the messages have been thought about, prayed through and I would feel completely comfortable preaching them if my own daughter were in the room. 

Parents—I know you know your children better than I do; however, if you delay the discussion of this subject in your home and want to pretend your child is immune from the cultural pressure applied to them on a daily basis, then you could be way closer to becoming a grandparent than you realize. 


Being single can be sexually frustrating!!  And, if you are walking with Jesus then the last thing you feel like you want to participate in would be four weeks of someone talking about what you are not supposed to be doing. 

However, if you are single I would tell you that preparing for a great, guilt-free sex life is one of the best things you can do for your future spouse.  My hope is that single people will be encouraged and challenged as we dive into the Scriptures and see how the Gospel really should shape our view of everything in life—including sex. 

Whether you are single or married, I want you to know I believe this is going to be one of the greatest series in the history of our church.  I believe we are going to see so many people pray to receive Christ (YES, in a sex series), I believe we are going to see so many people commit to purity rather than being consumed in moments of passion, and I believe we are going to see so many people who have allowed guilt to dominate their lives begin to walk in freedom because they discover the freedom Jesus offers. 

It’s going to be awesome!  It’s a GREAT opportunity to invite a friend!  I can’t wait!