
Four Fights You Should Not Fight

Jun 9, 2010

#1 – The fight to keep people happy.  First of all…that is not a leaders job…and if it is then Jesus really stunk at that.  Number two…no matter what you do someone is always going to be upset.  SO…please HIM, not “them!”

#2 – The fight to have all of the answers. Reality is that you don’t know everything, that is why God placed a team around you!  Refusing to admit that you don’t know something isn’t showing your weakness…but rather revealing your pride.  Sometimes one of the godliest things we can do is admit we are stumped to the people we serve with and ask for their help in figuring out the solution to the problem!  (See Proverbs 15:22, Proverbs 24:6)

#3 – The fight to be “well balanced.” Here’s the bottom line on this…there are many things I do not do well…and for me to try to focus my time and energy on those things and neglect the gifts God has given is would be a divine slap in the face to my Creator.  (Pastor Steven wrote about that here…EXCELLENT read!)

#4 – The fight to have complete assurance that something will work.  You and I will NEVER know the outcome until we are willing to take the step of faith that God has led us to take.  If you wait to have 100% assurance that something will work…then I am 100% sure you will never attempt anything great for God.  For example…nowhere in the Scriptures does it say that God gave David 100% assurance that he was going to be successful in his bout with Goliath…he just simply took a step of faith and the rest is history.  What step of faith is He leading you to?  (Hebrews 11:6)