
Five Styles Of Leadership That Always Lose - Part Four

Feb 27, 2009

#5 - The Fearful Leader

I remember the first full time staff member I hired (it was Lee!)  I was scared…I knew it didn’t make sense on paper…but I KNEW it was what God wanted.

I remember the first time we leased office space…it was going to cost us $750 a month, I didn’t sleep for two nights.  I was scared to death…but I KNEW it was what God wanted.

I remember when we moved from the Sullivan building at Anderson University (sat 150 people) to the Fine Arts Center on that same campus (sat 1,100 seats!)  It was going to cost us $45,000…we had ZERO money saved.  I was scared…but I KNEW it was what God wanted.

I remember when we built our current facility here in Anderson.  It was going to cost MILLIONS…and the sanctuary was going to seat 2,500.  It didn’t make sense…it was CRAZY…but I knew it was what God wanted.

I could go on and on.  The bottom line ISN’T that a leader never comes face to face with a fearful situation…but rather a leader learns to trust in God’s direction and power rather than give into fear and uncertainty.

When a leader allows fear to control him…the people he leads ALWAYS lose.

  • Fear forces a leader to embrace the “way things are” rather than how they should be.
  • Fear causes a leader to think more about what they have to lose rather than what the Kingdom has to gain.
  • Fear makes a person depend on their power and ability rather than God’s.
  • Fear leads to impulsive and unwise decisions rather than prayed through and processed ones.

MY prayer for myself is that I NEVER become obsessed with safety and lose sight of HIS SOVEREIGNTY.


Any fears you need to face?  NewSpringers…asking you to pray that I will always be willing to take God led steps of faith…and never play it safe because we have WAY too much at stake!