Five Barriers That Hold People Back From Losing Weight

Jan 3, 2018

#1 - Delaying Getting Started!

This was me for SO LONG - I would say, "one day" - and in doing so made an excuse that prevented me from making progress.  
The BEST thing you can do RIGHT NOW (if you want to do this) is pick a start date!  

Let me recommend one - Monday, January 8, 2018 - that's when I am jumping back on the wagon (and will be providing coaching and encouragement for everyone who has accepted the invite to my private Facebook group!)  

BTW - if you want in on this Facebook group then go here and buy the "I Can Win With Weight" eBook and you will be emailed an invitation!  

#2 - Refusing To Adjust Your Eating Habits

As I've stated so many times in talking about this - we simply cannot outwork a bad eating plan.  In fact - I would say between 75-80% of losing weight and feeling great is in making changes in our nutrition.  

AND - believe it or not - when we do nutrition properly we actually get to eat more, not less.  

(Yes - the ebook has lots of nutrition recommendations - and the Facebook site will have even more!)  

#3 - Doing Too Much Cardio

I was the king of cardio for such a long time - and even when I would run 5-10 miles per day I still managed to put on weight (yes, you read that correctly!)  

Cardio is necessary (and HIIT cardio is WAY better than traditional cardio!)  However, lifting weights is WAY more beneficial because it builds more lean muscle, which, in turn, burns way more fat throughout the day.  

#4 - Discouragement

If you are like me you have started a diet, not seen results in a matter of days and said "screw it" and went back to the way things were.  

Which is why COMMUNITY is so essential to making progress in this area (which is why I personally so excited about the Facebook group!!  I know we are going to all be able to encourage one another in a way that makes a significant difference!)  

#5 - Not Having A Plan

All too often I would dive into "losing weight" headfirst without having a CLUE as to how I was going to actually do it...

...that all changed for me not too long ago as I began to research, experiment and make adjustments to the way I did things.  

Our physical health, (or lack thereof), will happen by either default or design.  

Which is why I wrote, "You Can Win With Weight!"  This eBook isn't a book that will bore you with information you simply do not care about, but rather is filled with practical information that you can apply immediately.  

And...over time as you work the WILL see results.  

As I've said so often - if I can do this, you can too!!!  

Go here, click the "buy" button in the upper right hand corner and let's get started!