An Open Letter To The Staff At NewSpring

Jan 19, 2006

I am amazed!

I am sitting here in my brand new office and reflecting…it was only six years ago that “my office” was my living room, the number for the church was also my personal home telephone number, and staff meeting consisted of me getting out of bed & going to the living room to ask myself questions!

Look what God has done! Yep, I am amazed!

I want to be clear about something guys and girls…I love you—each and every one of you. I consider it a privilege that you are serving on this staff. Many of you walked away from jobs that were higher paying, others turned their backs on careers that you had invested quite a bit of time in…all to follow the God given dream of a church that wants to do more than look pretty and talk about things but never follow through.

I love the fact that you guys were not content with being a part of a religion—but rather you understand that Jesus began a revolution…and we are called to carry that on today!

And look at us—seriously! How many of you, six years ago, would have thought, “In a few years I am going to be on staff at a church?” But here we are—all 46 of us…and we come from all different backgrounds!

Most of us are young—really young. Sure—there is a Caleb or two among us (Paul!) However, the average age of this staff has to be in our late 20’s or early 30’s. Why is that? I believe it is because younger generations tend to believe in the power of God—we believe that if Scripture says that God can do it…well…then God can do it. Do not let the fact that you are young ever distract you from doing what God has called you to do! EVER!

I remember being 28 when we started this church and people telling me that I was too young and that I lacked experience…as I look back I think that me lacking experience was a good thing because it forced me to rely on God rather than textbook procedure and principals.

Speaking of textbook…not many of us have been trained “theologically.” In fact, I believe there is only one seminary graduate on staff. I remember talking to many of you about joining our staff and you making the comment, “But I don’t have a seminary degree,” and then watching your face as I replied, “neither do I!”

Sure, there are people that may criticize that aspect of our ministry; however, when I look at the description given about the Apostles in the book of Acts…they are refered to as “unschooled, ordinary men.” I believe God is looking for a few more of those—people who allow God to lead and teach them by His Holy Spirit. Don’t get me wrong…I am not cracking on seminary…it’s just that it isn’t a biblical mandate…and we have seen fruit without it.

Speaking of critics—we have endured heat together…and we will continue to do so. And NOT from people who don’t know Christ—but from those who claim to be on the same team. When it comes to this I advise you to follow what Rick Warren says, “When you’re small, they’ll dismiss you (Amen Lee?); when you’re growing, they’ll criticize you; and when you’re large, they’ll resent you. So ignore ‘them’ and get on with whatever God has told you to do!”

I see something in all of you—something that we can never lose no matter what happens. What is it? Fire—passion—a hunger for Jesus…and it is contagious! I think one of the greatest assets of our ministry is the fact that we have never gotten over what Jesus has done for us…is doing for us now…and is going to do in our future. We haven’t ceased to be amazed at who God is—and we haven’t reduced Jesus to a picture on a wall, nor have we let Him become a side note in the church which bears His name!

We can’t ever lose that—ever! Jesus is the reason we do what we do…crucified, buried, raised to life…and now living in us—that’s amazing.

You guys are awesome! I have said it before—the teamwork makes the dream work. NewSpring is not my vision—it’s God’s vision—He just allowed me to borrow it…and as long as we are faithful with it…He will continue to enlarge it.

And before I go let me say this…just in case you wrestle with this anytime in the future. YOU ARE NECESSARY! There is no such thing as an unimportant job in this church because everything we do from answering phones to changing light bulbs is designed to create an atmosphere where God can engage people and change their life like He has for all of us. You are IMPORTANT and I thank God for you—all of you…and I am amazed that you would trust me to be your pastor and your leader—it is a privilege.

Hey—I believe this is just the beginning…God is just getting started here—look how far He has brought us in the past six years with limited resources and staff…and look at what He has provided us with—“to whom much is given much is required.” Yep—He’s getting ready to turn the upstate completely upside down…and we get to be a part of it!

“I’ve got you!” Thanks for being a part of this team! Hold on—we’re getting ready to go for a ride.

Be Radical,

To those who read this and are not on staff…I want you to understand that I believe that NewSpring is the best church in the entire world…and this is the best staff in the entire world as well. You may perceive that to be arrogance…but I would say it is confidence. In fact, if a pastor does not believe he has the best staff and/or the best church I would say he either needs to fire some people or resign!!!

And if you are wondering what the phrase “I’ve got you” means—you can either ask a staff member or wait a few weeks when I talk about it on a Sunday morning.