
Alabama Disaster Relief—Time For NewSpring To Step Up!

May 4, 2011

OK NewSpring Church…disaster has happened right in our own backyard and it’s time for us to step up.  We’ve purposefully waited about a week to respond so that we could make sure we were able to try to meet the greatest needs that were unfolding as the dust from the disaster began to settle.

We are partnering with Church of the Highlands in this effort.  Their pastor, Chris Hodges, is one of the greatest men of God that I know…and I fully trust him, the staff the Lord has given him and the amazing volunteers at his church.

I’m asking as many people as possible to help out this Sunday by bringing at least one of the items on the list below to the campus you attend.

  • Flavored drinks, either Gatorade or Powerade  (We’ve been told that they have PLENTY of bottled water!)
  • Diapers
  • Baby Formula (I was told this is a tremendous need!)
  • Packaged juices
  • Baby food

Also…our church is going to be giving Church of the Highlands a donation for $25,000 to help in other areas of disaster relief as they see fit.  If you would like to give additional dollars to assist in their efforts to meet needs “on the ground” then here is a link where you can give directly to the disaster relief effort.  I can promise you that 100% of what you donate will go directly to disaster relief…and that Church of the Highlands will do an amazing job of stewarding every dollar you donate well.

So…NewSpring Church…let’s step up BIG TIME this Sunday.  Let’s “BE THE CHURCH” and meet the needs that are right in front of us.

See you Sunday!